How to Run OWASP ZAP Security Tests in Azure DevOps Pipeline
Security Testing in DevOps is one of the crucial parts. Configuring OWASP ZAP Security tests for Webpage UI or API helps to identify the security risks.
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Join For FreeSecurity Testing is an essential part of testing, every organization wants to do at least basic security testing before releasing the code to production. Security Testing is an ocean it might be difficult to perform complete security testing without the help of trained professionals. Some of the open-source tools provide automated basic scanning of the website. Once we add it to pipelines like any other test such as Smoke, Regression the security tests also can run as part of deployment and report issues.
What is OWASP ZAP?
ZAP is a popular security testing tool and open source. ZAP tool helps to find the vulnerabilities in the applications or API endpoints. Vulnerabilities include cross-site scripting, SQL injection, Broken Authentication, Sensitive data exposure, Broken Access control, Security misconfiguration, Insecure Deserialization, etc.
The beauty of this tool is that it provides both UI and Command Line interfaces to run the tests. Since it provides a command-line interface we can integrate it as part of our pipeline. The pipeline can be triggered when we release code into production, this helps to find the potential security issues.
In this detailed tutorial we are going to learn:
How to configure and set up OWASP ZAP Security test into Azure Release Pipeline?
How to Run OWASP ZAP Security Tests on Websites in Azure DevOps Pipeline using Docker?
How to Perform API Security Testing using OWASP ZAP Security Testing tool in Azure DevOps Pipelines with Docker Images?
How to Publish OWASP ZAP Security Testing Results in Azure DevOps Pipeline?
How to Publish OWASP ZAP HTML Test Results into Azure Artifacts by Creating Feed and Packages?
How to Download artifacts containing OWASP ZAP HTML Test results using Azure CLI Tool?
- Create a Repository inside your organization (Preferred), download the file OWASPToNUnit3.xslt, and keep it inside the repository. This file is needed to convert OWASP ZAP Security Test result XML file to publish results in Azure DevOps.
- Create a Feed Azure DevOps artifacts: This feed is helpful to publish OWASP ZAP HTML Result
Steps to Create a Feed in Azure DevOps
- Navigate to Azure DevOps > Click on Artifacts > Click on Create Feed
- In the Create new Feed form Enter correct text, and Click on Create
Note: We will be using feed name while configuring tasks, You need to choose the same from drop-down so note down the Feed Name
3. Create a Sample package inside Feed using Command Line
Steps to Create Sample Package:
- Install Azure CLI
- After Installation Run the below command to create sample package
az artifacts universal publish - -organization[Your_Org_Name] --feed SecurityTesting --name security_testing --version 1.0.0 --description "Your description" --path .
After completion of Pre-Requisite 3, Navigate to Azure DevOps > Artifact > Select Feed as SecutityTesting > Then you should see the newly created package
Refer to Microsoft Documentation for more details.
We have completed all initial setup and pre-requisites, we are good to start with pipelines now.
How to Configure OWASP ZAP Security Tests in Azure DevOps Pipeline?
Let's discuss in detail step by step by setting up OWASP ZAP Security Tests Pipeline using Docker Image.
Step 1: Create a new Release Pipeline
i. Navigate to Azure DevOps > Pipeline > Click on Releases
ii. Click on New and Choose New Release Pipeline
iii. Choose Empty job when Template window prompts
iv. Name the stage as Security Teting (or any other name you wish)
Step 2: Add artifact to Release Pipeline
i. Click on add artifact
ii. In the Popup window Choose Azure Repository
iii. Choose your project
iv. Choose Source Repository ( This is the place where you created XSLT file in Pre-Requisite)
v. Choose the default branch as master
vi. Click Add
Step 3: Add Tasks to Pipeline
We need to add tasks to the pipeline, In our case, we have created only one Stage That is Security Testing
Step 4: Configure Agent Job Details
i. Display Name: Agent Job or anything you wish
ii. Agent pool: Choose Azure Pipelines
iii. Agent Specification: Choose any ubuntu Agent from the dropdown
Step 5: Add Docker Installer Task
From Search box, Search for Docker CLI and Add the task and Configure Docker CLI Task
Step 6: Add Bash Script Task
Step 7: Configure Bash Script Task
Enter Display name: Security Test Run
Type: click on Inline Radio Button
Script: Copy paste the below code, (Don't forget to replace your url )
chmod -R 777 ./
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/zap/wrk/:rw -t owasp/zap2docker-stable -t [your company url] -g gen.conf -x OWASP-ZAP-Report.xml -r scan-report.html
chmod -R 777 ./
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/zap/wrk/:rw -t owasp/zap2docker-stable -t -g gen.conf -x OWASP-ZAP-Report.xml -r scan-report.html
How to run OWASP ZAP Security Test for API?
The above-mentioned script works well with websites, webpages but if your requirement is API then you need to add different inline scripts rest of the things remain the same.
Script for OWASP ZAP API Security Scan
chmod -R 777 ./
docker run — rm -v $(pwd):/zap/wrk/:rw -t owasp/zap2docker-weekly -t [your-api-url] -f openapi -g api-scan.conf -x OWASP-ZAP-Report.xml -r api-scan-report.html
chmod -R 777 ./
docker run — rm -v $(pwd):/zap/wrk/:rw -t owasp/zap2docker-weekly -t -f openapi -g api-scan.conf -x OWASP-ZAP-Report.xml -r api-scan-report.html
So, Thanks to sudhinsureshr for this.
Step 8: Add Powershell Task to convert ZAP XML Report to Azure DevOps Nunit Report Format to Publish Results
Add PowerShell Task using Add Azure DevOps Add Tasks Window
Configure Powershell Task, Convert ZAP XML to NUnit XML
i. Display Name: Anything you wish
ii. Type: Inline
iii. Script: Inline
Sample Inline Script
Note: This script contains a Relative path to the repository and folder, the content of the script may change based on the name you specified in your project.
$XslPath = "$($Env:SYSTEM_DEFAULTWORKINGDIRECTORY)/_Quality/SecurityTesting/OWASPToNUnit3.xslt"
$XmlOutputPath = "$($Env:SYSTEM_DEFAULTWORKINGDIRECTORY)/Converted-OWASP-ZAP-Report.xml"
$XslTransform = New-Object System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform
$XslTransform.Transform($XmlInputPath, $XmlOutputPath)
Step 9: [Optional] Publish OWASP ZAP Security Testing HTML Results to Azure Artifact
Add Universal Package Task
Configure Universal Package Task
Step 10: Publish OWASP ZAP Results into Azure DevOps Pipeline
Add Publish Results Task
Configure Publish Results Task
Display Name: Any name
Test Result format: Nunit
Test Result Files: Output file name in Step 8, In our Case it's Converted-OWASP-ZAP-Report.xml
Search Folder: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)
After completion of Step 10, Trigger Azure OWASP ZAP Release. The release starts running shows the progress in the command line.
Step 11: Viewing OWASP / ZAP Security Testing Results
Once Release is completed, Navigate to completed tasks, Click on Publish Test Results Task
The window with the link to result opens
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